
Who Owns the Master?

Exploring the legal rights of mixing and mastering engineers.
Music Mastery Abstract

Understanding the Nuances of Audio Mastering

Mastering often adds subtle nuances, not radical changes. Learn why a great mix might not sound much different after mastering.

Stems and Multitracks: Understanding the Difference

“Stems” and “multitracks” are often confused. Though similar, they serve different purposes, making it crucial to understand their differences for clear audio file management.
After consolidating

How to Consolidate Audio Tracks in Pro Tools

Consolidating audio files is the process of preparing your Pro Tools session for mixing, archiving, or collaboration.
Harrison Mixbus 32C

LUA Scripts for Mixbus 32C

A collection of LUA scripts and plugins for Harrison Mixbus 32C.

What is a DDP Image?

An error-protected audio delivery format that has become the industry standard for reliable CD & DVD replication.